Meet Our Team

Nate Robbins

Real Estate Analyst

Nate Robbins has been developing real estate for 6 years, during which time he completed two Master’s Degrees (Master of Real Estate Development and MBA in Finance) and significantly expanded his real estate experience and expertise on-the-job.  Nate first learned about LIHTC and Historic Tax credits in graduate school.  He was selected for a competitive team to represent the University of Maryland in an intercollegiate competition sponsored by HUD to showcase innovation in affordable housing. Nate’s team won first place and a $20,000 prize.  

Upon completion of his formal training, Nate was hired as a real estate developer, responsible for the entire development process including feasibility analysis, deal structuring, financing, acquisition, design, development, public approvals, construction, leasing and close-out.  He managed a variety of projects from a $20M mixed-use development in Vienna, VA, with an underground parking lot, retail and residential above, to a sprawling 67-lot townhouse development inside the DC beltway near Annandale, VA.  Beyond his experience across the entire development process, he also brings to CCA his experience in managing multiple complex projects simultaneously, encompassing varied building types.  

While he understood LIHTC coming into CCA, he works hard every day to pick up more information, gain a deeper understanding, and acquire more hands-on experience in this area of expertise to complement his formal training and his successful HUD competition bid.

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What Others Are Saying About Us

“RPS engaged CCA in 2005 to assist in the disposition of RPS’s affordable housing portfolio, which consisted of over eighty properties, located throughout the country. The successful conclusion to our portfolio disposition is in large part attributable to Ben and David and their team at CCA. Though faced with a multitude of problems, including properties with extensive deferred maintenance, difficult regulatory agencies and severely distressed financial markets, CCA brought resolutions to our issues that were consistently satisfactory to all parties concerned. The depth and scope of CCA’s expertise in the many facets of the affordable housing industry proved invaluable. It has been a privilege and a pleasure to work with such a group of professionals.”